The DC Universe has experienced numerous changes and challenges recently, but Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom are not exempt from controversy. One major point of contention revolves around Amber Heard’s continued involvement in the film, despite losing a court battle against her ex-husband, Johnny Depp. Director James Wan has now addressed these claims regarding Heard’s role in the Jason Momoa-led superhero film.
In case you are unfamiliar, Amber plays the character Mera, who serves as the love interest of Arthur Curry, played by Momoa. The movie also features Patrick Wilson as Curry’s brother and the character Ocean Master. Scroll down to discover Wan’s perspective on Heard’s role in the film.
During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Aquaman 2 director James Wan discussed Amber Heard’s role in the DC film. According to him, the sequel will prioritize the relationship between Jason Momoa’s Arthur Curry and Patrick Wilson’s Ocean Master. Wan stated, “I’ve always presented this idea to everyone from the start. The first Aquaman focused on Arthur and Mera’s journey. The second film was always intended to focus on Arthur and Orm.”
Wan continued by saying, “So, the first movie was a romance action-adventure, while the second one is a bromance action-adventure. That’s how I see it.” The shift in power within the DC universe, as well as the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial, influenced various projects, including Aquaman 2. However, Wan took all of these factors into consideration while working on the sequel.
He explained, “Obviously, I have to be mindful. It’s hard for me not to notice when I’m living in a house that’s being renovated around me, and the roof and ceiling are missing, right? But the beauty of the Aquaman world and this movie is that we’ve always maintained that we exist in our own separate universe. My goal was always to potentially spin off a Seven Kingdoms universe, which would be my dream. Therefore, what we do is ultimately unaffected by all the noise and external factors.”
There has been extensive discussion and even discouragement surrounding the sequel, causing fans to anxiously await its release in theaters. Aquaman 2 has gone through several reshoots and its release date has been shifted, but at present, this DC film starring Jason Momoa and Amber Heard is scheduled to hit theaters on December 20, 2023.
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