Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, known for his role as Pramod Ahlawat in the crime drama ‘Haddi’, discussed his feelings about being the face of the movie and the preparations he underwent for the character. The film, directed by Akshat Ajay Sharma, also stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Zeeshan Ayyub in lead roles, with Nawaz playing the character of Haddi/Harika and Zeeshan portraying Irfan.
When asked how he felt about being the poster boy of the movie, Anurag Kashyap admitted to feeling awkward and unable to get used to watching himself on screen. Recently, he made a cameo appearance in the web series ‘Made In Heaven 2’ and he said, “One has to do their job well to avoid criticisms.”
Anurag Kashyap mentioned that he relied on director Akshat’s guidance for portraying the character of Pramod, stating that Akshat had a clear vision of how the character should be played. Anurag didn’t read the script but followed Akshat’s directions completely, highlighting the fact that he is always a director’s actor.
Director Akshat praised the entire cast for their brilliance, mentioning that he often bounced ideas off Anurag. However, he also acknowledged that there were instances where the actors simply went with their instincts and delivered outstanding performances without much input. The film, produced by Zee Studios and Anandita Studios, features Nawazuddin in a double role, including a transgender character, and also stars Ila Arun, Saurabh Sachdeva, Rajesh Kumar, and Ivanka Das in key roles. It can be streamed on Zee5.
On the professional front, Anurag Kashyap recently directed the neo-noir thriller film ‘Kennedy’, starring Sunny Leone and Rahul Bhat in the lead roles.