Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana, known for his roles in films like ‘Andhadhun’, ‘Vicky Donor’, ‘Badhaai Ho’, ‘Bareilly Ki Barfi’, sought advice from his fans on his new hairdo. Despite being known for sporting different hairstyles, he had kept his last hairstyle for an extended period of time and began receiving repeated requests from fans to cut his hair short.
In response to these requests, Khurrana decided to sport a new sharp haircut. Talking about his decision, he stated, “Personal grooming is very important to me. I enjoy trying out different looks and experimenting with my hairstyle. A good hairstyle not only adds confidence but also gives a personality that extra edge. Ever since my college days, I have been passionate about styling my hair differently and trying out new looks.”
Khurrana also expressed gratitude for being able to try out various hairstyles in his acting career. He mentioned that social media plays a significant role in receiving feedback on his hairstyles from fans. People are quite vocal in expressing their opinions about his hair, which led to repeated requests for him to cut his hair short and style it sharply. His latest haircut received plenty of comments on social media.
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