Greta Gerwig’s Barbie is a record-breaking phenomenon, captivating audiences worldwide since its release on July 21. Starring Margot Robbie as the leading lady, this movie invites viewers into the enchanting pink world of the iconic plastic doll. Despite facing tough competition from Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, Barbie has defied all odds and made history as the first film directed by a woman to exceed $1 billion at the global box office.
But Barbie’s success doesn’t stop there. Domestically, the film shows no signs of slowing down and is poised to break the North American box office record set by the 2012 superhero blockbuster, The Avengers, over the upcoming weekend. In fact, it will secure the 11th spot on the list of highest-grossing movies in North America. Keep reading for more exciting details.
Alongside Margot Robbie, Barbie boasts a star-studded cast, including Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Will Ferrell, Simu Liu, Michael Cera, and more, in supporting roles. The film features a captivating soundtrack that has quickly found its way onto music lovers’ playlists.
In the movie, Margot Robbie brilliantly portrays a Stereotypical Barbie who embarks on an adventure to the real world after experiencing an existential crisis. Joined by Ryan Gosling’s character, Ken, she faces unexpected changes in Barbieland as the Kens attempt to seize control. With its captivating story and stunning portrayal of the Barbie universe, the film has attracted millions of viewers worldwide, many of whom have dressed in pink to show their support. As of now, Barbie has raked in an astounding $1.4 billion in global box office revenue.
According to Variety, the film’s domestic box office collection continues to soar. By the end of this weekend, it is expected to surpass Marvel’s The Avengers, which earned $623.3 million domestically in 2012. In addition, Barbie will claim the coveted title of the 11th highest-grossing movie of all time in North America.
Barbie will need an extra push to secure a spot in the top 10 highest-grossing movies of all time in North America. Fortunately, its upcoming special IMAX run, starting on September 22, is anticipated to provide the boost it needs to achieve this milestone.
Note: The box office numbers mentioned here are based on estimates and various sources. They have not been independently verified by Celebtrends.