Today marks the one-year anniversary of the release of Brahmastra at the box office. Starring Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor in the lead roles, this visually stunning film also featured Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and others in pivotal roles. While it was one of the few Bollywood films to break the box office drought, it also set and broke numerous records with its collections.
Initially, there were reports suggesting that the other two parts of Brahmastra had been shelved. However, it seems that these were just rumors, as director Ayan has hinted at working on the next two parts. To celebrate the film’s one-year anniversary, Ayan Mukerji shared a post on social media along with artwork for the upcoming installments.
Taking to Twitter, Ayan Mukerji expressed his gratitude and wrote, “Happy 1st Birthday, Brahmāstra! Thank you for all the Creativity, all the HardWork, and for all the Lessons in Film-making, and in Life! P.S.: Will share some early artwork from the next stage of the Brahmāstra journey in a bit…!” He later shared another video claiming to be the artwork for Brahmastra parts 2 and 3, along with the hashtags #brahmastra2 and #DEV.
Netizens have reacted to this news, expressing their emotions and anticipation for the next parts of the film. Some eagerly await parts 2 and 3, while others have offered suggestions and advice. There is mention of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s roles, with some users suggesting that Ranveer Singh may have been a better fit for the character of Dev. Others hope that the focus on astras (weapons) will be increased in the next parts of the film.
Despite criticism of the screenplay and dialogues, there is still hope for the success of Brahmastra parts 2 and 3. Fans have expressed their desire for the upcoming installments to rectify the mistakes of the first part and utilize Alia Bhatt’s potential more effectively.
What are your thoughts on Brahmastra parts 2 and 3? Are you excited? Let us know!
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