The highly acclaimed Good Omens, originally planned as a limited series with six episodes, took the world by storm when it premiered on Prime Video in 2019. The show, based on Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s novel of the same name, revolves around angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) as they unite to prevent the impending Armageddon.
Following its success and the release of a special mini-episode titled Good Omens: Lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the streaming platform delighted fans with the surprising announcement of a second season. This new installment promises an entirely fresh and captivating storyline for the unconventional duo of Aziraphale and Crowley.
In a recent interview with Collider in July 2023, Michael Sheen revealed that Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett had extensively discussed future storylines for Good Omens, even though they never wrote them down in a book. Sheen, who portrays angel Aziraphale in the series, highlighted the collaborative nature of the project and how he and David Tennant (who plays demon Crowley) worked closely with Neil to bring their characters to life and develop their relationship and storylines.
Exciting news for fans of Good Omens, as the first episode of Season 2 is set to premiere on Prime Video on Friday, July 28, with a weekly release schedule. This second season will consist of six episodes, promising to take viewers on a brand new journey with Aziraphale and Crowley.
Cast of ‘Good Omens’ Season 2
Sheen and Tennant will reprise their roles as Aziraphale and Crowley in the upcoming season, accompanied by Jon Hamm returning as Gabriel and Derek Jacobi making an appearance as Metatron. Notably, Nina Sosanya and Maggie Service will take on different characters compared to their Season 1 roles. Excitingly, Liz Carr, Doon Mackichan, Gloria Obianyo, and Miranda Richardson are set to make guest appearances in new roles.
Joining the cast for Season 2 are Shelley Conn, Tim Downie, Pete Firman, Alex Norton, Andi Osho, Dame Siân Phillips, and Quelin Sepulveda, adding fresh faces to the show. However, fans might notice the absence of Benedict Cumberbatch, Frances McDormand, and Adria Arjona among the returning cast members.
Season 2 of ‘Good Omens’
In a delightful twist, Good Omens Season 2 ventures into uncharted territory, presenting an entirely fresh storyline diverging from the narrative of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s novel. After the show’s renewal was announced in July 2021, Gaiman revisited old ideas that he and Pratchett had previously left out of their book and integrated them into the upcoming season.
Addressing the exciting prospects of Season 2, Gaiman expressed his enthusiasm in a press release, acknowledging the absence of Pratchett but revealing their previous discussions about the show’s future. With the support of BBC Studios and Amazon, Gaiman seized the opportunity to explore new dimensions of the Good Omens universe. He also revealed the addition of John Finnemore as a collaborator, ensuring a seamless continuation of the story.
The forthcoming season will finally quench the curiosity of fans, providing answers to the lingering questions about the fate of their beloved characters, the Angel and Demon. Set in Soho, the new mysteries will transcend time and space, leading the audience on an enthralling journey that begins with an angel wandering aimlessly through Soho, devoid of any memories. Prepare for an exhilarating adventure as Good Omens Season 2 embarks on an uncharted path, captivating viewers with unprecedented twists and revelations.