After a successful weekend at the Indian box office, the movie Jawan, led by Shah Rukh Khan, has continued its winning streak into the weekdays. On Monday, the film made a staggering 32.92 crores (all languages), marking the fastest triple century for a Bollywood film. The Hindi version of the film has also achieved the same milestone, surpassing Pathaan. Here are the early trends for day 6.
Jawan has amassed a total of 319.08 crores (all languages) in just 5 days, with the Hindi version contributing 282.58 crores. The movie has been unstoppable, with ‘filling fast’ shows being witnessed across the country. This momentum carried on to Tuesday, with the film picking up pace from the evening onwards.
Based on the early trends, Jawan is predicted to add another 29-30 crores (all languages) to its collection on day 6. After a decent start, the film experienced a significant jump in evening shows nationwide, and the trend continued for night shows. It’s shaping up to be another successful day for the movie, with the total collection heading towards 348.08-349.08 crores (all languages).
The Hindi version of the film alone has an impressive score of over 25 crores, with early trends suggesting a total of 27-28 crores for day 6. This brings the Hindi collection to 309.58-310.58 crores. The movie has now become the fastest Hindi film to achieve a triple century in India, surpassing Pathaan’s record of achieving this milestone in 7 days.
From this point forward, it is evident that Jawan will not fall below the 20 crores mark until Thursday. However, starting from Friday, it is expected to rise like a phoenix once again.
Disclaimer: The box office numbers mentioned are based on estimates and various sources. They have not been independently verified by Celebtrends. Stay tuned for more box office updates!