Julia Haart, the star of ‘My Unorthodox Life’, recently revealed a surprising experience from her past. When her younger brother Shlomo was born a few months after her oldest daughter, Julia’s mother asked her to nurse him. Julia referred to this experience as a “mindf***” and stated that she ended up breastfeeding both her brother and her daughter.
Prior to 2013, Julia was a member of the Haredi community, a branch of Orthodox Judaism known for opposing modern values and practices. According to Julia, wet nurses, who breastfeed another woman’s child, still existed in her community at that time. She described herself as a “time traveller” and suggested that people would need to be in a different time period to fully understand the world she used to live in.
Throughout her life, Julia constantly questioned her beliefs, though she mostly did so silently. However, her decision to leave the faith was solidified when her daughter Miriam came out as bisexual. Julia couldn’t accept the idea that her daughter was somehow flawed. This led her to realize that it wasn’t just her own personal struggle, but rather a flaw within the system itself.
Julia’s first marriage to Yosef, a man she had been arranged to marry, turned out to be better than her second marriage to Silvio Scaglia. Despite not wanting to be with Yosef initially, Julia described him as a “lovely” person. In contrast, she filed for divorce from Silvio in December of last year after two years of marriage, jokingly stating that the man she was forced to marry turned out to be nicer than the man she chose herself.