Naseeruddin Shah, a renowned actor known for questioning the unconventional paths taken by the film industry, has once again expressed his dissatisfaction with films like “The Kashmir Files,” “The Kerala Story,” and “Gadar 2” gaining popularity at the box office. He believes that this trend is dangerous because it does not accurately portray the truth. Despite attempts by filmmakers to present facts, their work is being ignored entirely.
In a heartfelt interview with Free Press Journal, Naseeruddin Shah highlighted the problematic nature of the current filmmaking stream. He stated, “The more jingoistic you are, the more popular you become, and this has been the ruling trend in our country. It is not enough to love your country, but you must also create imaginary enemies and beat drums about it. What these people fail to realize is the harm they are causing.”
The actor went on to compare films like “The Kerala Story” and “Gadar 2” with other filmmakers who strive to depict the truth of their times, such as Sudhir Mishra, Anubhav Sinha, and Hansal Mehta. He expressed his dismay that the films with questionable narratives, like “The Kashmir Files,” have gained immense popularity while the works of these talented filmmakers go unnoticed.
Naseeruddin Shah empathized with these filmmakers and encouraged them not to lose hope. He emphasized the importance of their storytelling, stating that they will be responsible for future generations. He mentioned that even a hundred years later, people will be able to differentiate between films like “Bheed” and “Gadar 2,” recognizing which one accurately represents the truth of our times because cinema is the only medium capable of doing so.
Shah further described the current state of filmmaking as regressive and highlighted the alarming trend of filmmakers being coerced into making films that praise the wrong things and degrade other communities without reason. He expressed concern that films like “Gadar 2,” “The Kashmir Files,” and “The Kerala Story” fall into this regressive category.
It is worth mentioning that films like “The Kashmir Files” starring Anupam Kher, “The Kerala Story” starring Adah Sharma, and “Gadar 2” starring Sunny Deol have been labeled as ‘nationalistic’ films and have surprisingly performed well at the box office. These films, despite their controversial nature, have resonated with the audience and received immense love and support from them.
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