Not many know that Anushka Sharma and Deepika Padukone, two popular Bollywood actresses, have had a strained relationship. Despite being the reigning queens of Bollywood, they have had their fair share of ups and downs and controversies surrounding their statements about each other.
Recently, while scrolling through social media, we stumbled upon an old video of Anushka Sharma, the actress from the film “Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi,” where she sarcastically responded to a question about the poster of Deepika Padukone’s film, “Padmaavat.”
Reportedly, Sharma and Padukone did not share a cordial relationship. It was rumored that Anushka was in a romantic relationship with Ranveer Singh, who is now Deepika’s husband. On the other hand, Anushka is married to Virat Kohli and they are currently co-parenting their daughter, Vamika.
During an event in the past, when Anushka Sharma was asked about Deepika Padukone’s post for “Padmaavat,” she made an excuse of being in a no-network zone. She told the media, “Today, where I was shooting, there was zero network. I was quite happy because I felt that in a world where there is no network, people cannot reach you. You don’t receive any calls or messages on your phone. You have no idea what is happening in the world.” She further mentioned that such places exist even in Mumbai itself and she was content in that situation.
Addressing the question, Anushka Sharma also said, “I actually don’t know what was launched today. Unfortunately or fortunately, I haven’t seen anything. But now I will do some research and catch up. Then, when we meet next time, we can discuss.”
After the video surfaced on the web, netizens shared their opinions on Anushka Sharma’s response. One user expressed, “Actually, she gave too much importance in her attempt to not give any importance,” while another user stated, “I feel like Anushka is always overly defensive. She is always ready with a fighter attitude, never willing to endure anything. Although she is right in her own place, it comes off as really annoying and entitled at some point.”
Another netizen commented, “This isn’t savage. She reeks of insecurity.” A fourth one wrote, “I feel bad for the paps for having to listen to that pointless essay. Nobody cares about the wisdom you gained because a mobile tower wasn’t nearby.” A fifth user remarked, “I heard and watched the entire thing to find the savage part of her answer. It sounds absolutely dumb and reeks of unnecessary and extreme jealousy. She could have simply said that she was busy shooting and didn’t have the time to watch it. My literal reaction would be.”
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