Sam Asghari has chosen to unfollow Britney Spears on Instagram, indicating a further distancing from the pop star. The fitness trainer filed for divorce from Spears three weeks ago and has been actively reducing the number of accounts he follows on the platform. He has gone from following 327 accounts to only following 240, removing Spears’ page from his list. As of now, Britney is still following Sam.
Britney Spears has been highly active on Instagram ever since her conservatorship was lifted, frequently sharing provocative videos and images with her fans. Recently, she posted a video in which she removed her top while riding a horse. She captioned it by expressing her surprise and jokingly stating that she should have gone completely naked. In various other posts, Britney has appeared nude, wearing nothing but a cowboy hat, white jean shorts, and a black choker necklace.
Last month, she shared a steamy video of herself in bed, rolling around topless and wearing only pink underwear and knee-high boots. This was accompanied by Annie Lennox’s “I Put a Spell on You.” Additionally, she posted a clip of a male friend licking her leg on the same day she publicly addressed Sam’s divorce filing. In her Instagram statement, she mentioned that she and Sam are no longer together, expressing shock but emphasizing that it is no one’s business why their relationship ended. She concluded by stating that she couldn’t bear the pain anymore and that she is doing well.
Two days before Britney’s statement, Sam broke his silence online, announcing their decision to end their six-year journey together. He expressed his love and respect for Spears and wished her the best.