South Korean actors Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye captivated viewers with their chemistry in the popular 2013 show The Heirs. This beloved K-drama is a must-watch for those new to the genre. Throughout the series, the romantic storyline between the two actors kept audiences hooked, and their passionate kiss was a heartwarming moment. However, what many may not know is that Shin Hye was caught off-guard by the kiss, as it was added to the script at the last minute.
In The Heirs, Min Ho portrayed Kim Tan, a member of a wealthy family who falls in love with Cha Eun-sang, essayed by Shin Hye, the daughter of their house help. The show portrayed their love story as high school students, earning praise from many viewers. Yet, the passionate kiss was not originally part of the script and was a spontaneous change. During a press conference, Min Ho shared that he followed the director’s instructions, while Shin Hye was unaware of the sudden change.
Min Ho mentioned, “Since the kiss was the culmination of all the events and emotions leading up to it, there was no other alternative than to do it for real. I felt sorry that Park Shin Hye wasn’t told beforehand. Usually, female actresses are accommodated to a certain extent. So I think Park Shin Hye was caught off-guard by how it played out,” as reported by Soompi.
Park Shin Hye, known for her role in Doctors, also admitted her surprise at the unexpected kiss. She revealed, “I was really surprised. While we were shooting the scene, I grabbed Lee Min Ho’s clothes. That’s because I was so surprised, and you can see it in the shot, too. We were shooting the scene for the first time, and the director said, ‘This time, you’re going to really kiss,’ at which I’m just standing in a daze, and then we did it. In the notes, it says ‘grabs and pulls her chin towards him,’ and when he actually grabbed my chin and pulled me in, it surprised me.”
Shin Hye also mentioned that she didn’t have much experience with intimate scenes in K-dramas, making the kiss scene a new and unexpected experience for her. She expressed gratitude that the director only required one take of the scene.
To watch the scene, click here.
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